Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer 2011

Spring is usually a busy time for me and this past spring was no different. I have spent the last month preparing and completing my annual recurrent airline pilot training. For those of you who have read Beautiful Hardship, you should know that I'm not a fan of the simulator! With that taking up much of my time, my current novel Lapse of Reason was shelved for the time being. My third novel which was to be released early next year has sort of gone from a novel to a screen play. It was brought to my attention that it would make a better movie than a book so I have elected to write the screen play instead of publishing it. I will soon be kicking in doors in Hollywood trying to sell it!
Recently, I purchased the rights to Beautiful Hardship as I was not happy with the publisher's lack of involvement in the marketing end of it. I have elected to re-release it as a second edition with my current publisher so it will soon be available on kindle as well as the usual places such as Amazon and Borders. It will always be available on my website. I am also trying to set up a book signing in Milwaukee to coincide with a feature article of me in Milwaukee Magazine to be out soon. I will post as soon as I have a date set.
As for my personal time, I have taken up biking. I recently purchased a road racing bicycle and have been putting myself through the rigors of 40-50 mile bike rides with the intention of increasing them to 100 miles as I'm planning a ride to my home state of Iowa in late summer. If I could master the art of clipping and unclipping from my pedals, I would consider it progress. If you see a short, bald guy laying underneath a very expensive bike at a stop sign, please help. I obviously forgot to unclip from the pedals!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's been way too long!

Ok so I'm getting lazy in my old age. I guess the house projects have been getting the best of me. Who'd have thought I 'd ever say that? When you live in your truck, you only worry about gas! I've been nickle and diming my latest "novel at work" and it's really all I can do to keep up with the characters in it. It seems that every time I find a piece of a character, a defining something or other about them, another one pops up. When I begin a story, I know two things...a beginning and an end. Whatever happens in between is driven by the characters. They are, but pieces of imagination running through my mind and the story follows them; ie...A man crosses a street, nothing exciting, but if he gets hit by a car, now the story branches into the life of the person driving the car. So that's where I'm at with Lapse of Reason, I introduced a physchiatrist and the story turned in directions that I couldn't have previously imagined. I'm half way the ending that I have already written. Now for an update on my personal life, I am seeking resolution to a private matter via a lawsuit. I have been wrapped up with this more than I'd like, but it's very winnable, more importantly, I'm seeking what's right. I filed an anonymous complaint on the TSA's website and someone over there abused their power by puting my complaint on the executive's desk of my employer. For those of you who know me, you know that profanity can make itself known in my words and it did in this complaint. My employer suspended me for three days without pay. That's about all I can say in regards to it, but I have a sharp attorney who has assured me that the wrongs will be righted. Just know that it has been mentally taxing and very time consuming to juggle that in with my everyday life. I'll try to update this more often!